The Low Down in the Chi Town; Coyotes vs. Blackhawks
Photo property of ChicagoBlackhawks.com
"Coyotes Expect to Win Every Game," is the title of Dave Vest's The Desert Dog Blog this week. If Brent Seabrook, who could play tomorrow against the Coyotes, has anything to say about the outcome of tomorrow's game the Coyotes will hopefully not make it to double digits in their recent win streak.
Dave Vest, author for the Phoenix Coyote's blog The Desert Dog Blog, later states in his blog that the Coyotes, "regardless of the opponent, the site, the travel schedule and/or the start time," really do "EXPECT" to win every game. He says this mindset comes from the coaching staff, and "The results speak for themselves."
In a Post-Practice interview on Blackhawks TV, John Madden commented on a lot of the practice was focusing on the D Zone. Q-Stache being a former Defenseman himself, I'm sure had a big part in Monday's practice. Seabrook, Versteeg, Quenneville, and madden all had a segment on the Blackhawks TV where they touched on Defense starting with the goalie. Niemi will have another opportunity to redeem the team's 3rd quarter break down tomorrow against the Coyotes and I am glad Q gave him this chance.
Quenneville stated in Monday's Post-Practice interview that Brent Seabrook is "Likely" to play tomorrow against the Coyotes if he looks as good as he did today. Seabrook, who was concussed after a deliberate head shot from Wisniewski against the Ducks, I'm sure is eager to get back into the action especially after watching his team throw a win away Saturday against the Phoenix Coyotes. If Seabrook does play tomorrow it will be a great addition to the defense as Johnsson is still out with an upper body injury.
After listening to all the reports and interviews it seems that everyone is very optomistic about tomorrow's game and I am right there with them. We played great during the first 40 minutes Saturday vs. the Coyotes, Versteeg called the 3rd period break down a "mental lapse," and with everyone's mind set on starting to win again, I'm feeling good. This slump has dragged on long enough, we have a great team that can overcome anything and I believe we have what it takes to bring home a "W" tomorrow.
In Monday's Post-Practice interview John Madden said, "Some teams are in playoff mode already and we have to get there." It's not that we can't score, we have proven that we can against any team, and with some needed emphasis during today's practice on defense, I think the time is now. So put on your Blackhawks jersey, grab a Miller Lite and gear up for what may be a preview of an exciting playoff game; Phoenix Coyotes vs. THE Chicago Blackhawks!
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